Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We are a mixed billing practice as of 16/01/2023. This means that some patient's that do not meet a certain criteria or for certain appointments with any of our doctors will have to pay a set out of pocket expense. Refer to our fees page for full details.
A standard appointment is usually up to 15 minutes. Please ask the receptionist to book a long consultation if you have more than one problem to be dealt with or need a consultation that will include counselling. If the doctor has asked you to arrange an appointment for a procedure, they will indicate how long will be needed for that procedure and any fees involve if any.
We understand that sometimes circumstances change and you may not be able to keep an appointment. Please let us know as far ahead as possible, so that the appointment can be allocated to another patient. Patients who miss three or more appointments without notifying us may find it difficult to make appointments in future, and may be billed a $50 fee payable before any further appointments can be made. Refer to our policy under Documents on our website.
Generally yes. Medicare requires that you have a referral letter from your GP to see a specialist. Under Medicare guidelines referrals cannot be backdated. Therefore, we request that you make an appointment with your GP at least one week prior to your specialist appointment so that your GP can write a letter containing all the relevant information.
Prescriptions usually last 6 months. So that necessary checks can be done before you continue on, it is important that when you fill the last repeat, you make an appointment with your doctor so that a new script can be provided in a timely way. It is usually possible to synchronise scripts if you are taking several medications, so that they come due together.
A certificate states that the doctor has seen you and that you are fit/unfit. So you do need to be seen if you need a certificate.
We try hard to keep to time, however injured and unexpectedly ill patients can, and do, cause delay. You can help too. Please ask the receptionist to book a long consultation if you have more than one problem to be dealt with or need a consultation that will include counselling.
Yes, your doctor will be able to provide you results over the phone. In some cases your doctor may request that you come in for a face to face consultation to receive your results.
Due to privacy laws your doctor will not be able to disclose any information about a patient, even to family members, without their prior consent.
Unfortunately, doctors will not generally be able to take patients’ phone calls during a consultation as it is important to keep interruptions to a minimum. The doctor will return your call as soon as is practicable. If the matter is urgent please let staff know the nature of the urgency so that your call can be dealt with appropriately. Many things are best discussed in person, especially as an examination may be needed to sort the problem out.
Unfortunately we do not provide this service.
All medical records are kept electronically, so that whichever doctor or nurse you see, can find what they need to know to help you manage your health. Results of blood and x-ray tests are sent to the Practice electronically, so they can be added accurately to the file. Many specialist letters are now also sent this way, as are hospital discharge summaries. Paper letters are scanned so they can be stored electronically too.
We would like to improve our service. If you have had any problems with our care, our after-hours emergency cover, or wish to comment on any other matter, please contact us.
Experience has shown that if you have a problem with one of our doctors it is best to speak to him or her first.
If you are still unhappy please contact the Practice Manager, by Phone: 07 4778 3355 or by Email:
Suggestions can be made through our website, Facebook page (Health and Wellbeing Wulguru) or the details above. We also have a suggestions box kept right beside our reception desk.
Should the matter not be resolved to your satisfaction after bringing it to our attention you may wish to contact The Office of Health Ombudsman at: Ph: 133 646 PO Box 13281 George St, Brisbane Qld 4003
If you ring the practice after hours you will hear a recorded message giving the number for the After Hours Doctor On Call. If there are any problems with the answering system, and the matter is urgent, you should present to the Townsville Hospital Emergency Department or call 000 and ask for an Ambulance.
If we are your regular GP and would like to help us provide a better coordinated and continuous health care to you, we encourage you to register and nominate us with the MyMedicare initiative. For more information, please visit our MyMedica
We prefer to see you for face to face appointments as we believe it is far more beneficial for you. Telehealth consult is still available and our staff will advise on the necessity and availability.
If you have respiratory symptoms, please continue to perform a RAT or PCR test prior to your appointment. If you are COVID positive, we can offer telehealth.