Telephone calls from patients will not generally be put through to doctors. Our reception staff are happy to take messages or assist you with any general questions regarding your healthcare. If you have a medical question after seeing one of our doctors, you can speak with the nurse and she will discuss your concerns with the doctor. If you have an urgent medical problem then our nurses will try to organise an urgent appointment with one of our doctors. Emails and Facsimiles are reviewed on a daily basis.
Health and Wellbeing Wulguru has an email address that patients can use to send through simple communications to their doctor or practice staff. This email address is checked on a regular basis and any email received will be acknowledged in a reply and passed on to the addressee. All relevant emails will be stored in your patient record.
While we make every effort to keep your information secure we want to remind our patients that electronic communications and information can potentially be compromised and accessed by persons outside of our practice. Patients communicating with Health and Wellbeing Wulguru through email do so at their own risk.
If we are your regular GP and would like to help us provide a better coordinated and continuous health care to you, we encourage you to register and nominate us with the MyMedicare initiative. For more information, please visit our MyMedica
We prefer to see you for face to face appointments as we believe it is far more beneficial for you. Telehealth consult is still available and our staff will advise on the necessity and availability.
If you have respiratory symptoms, please continue to perform a RAT or PCR test prior to your appointment. If you are COVID positive, we can offer telehealth.